Thursday, 29 March 2012

A little bit here and a little bit there!

I really am trying to get some of my unfinished projects completed, honest I am! I do seem to have a bit of an aversion to doing any one project right through to the end before starting a new one though - don't know if its just my head getting too excited and running way ahead of itself or what it is to be honest! I drive myself doo lally with it sometimes!

Anyway, at the minute i am working on:

The infamous headless ted - literally just needs his head sewed on now as i have got him stuffed and all now!

The also infamous purple elephant - have been doing a little bit of sewing up on him and he finally has feet all joined to his legs :) head partly sewed up and body is the same.  He is actually really big, much bigger than i had thought! He is lovely though, can't wait to see him taking shape.

The patchwork bag - I have just the binding to add on this and a strap to design.  I did take some pics of it yesterday as i was sewing it up:

It gives you a wee idea of what it will be like without giving it all away :D

Yesterday i also came across an old jumper that i used to love - but it is way past its best now, so i decided to start unpicking it and have an idea for recycling the wool.  I love being able to do that - take something old and turn it into something new! 

Oh i forgot about the 2 doggy coats i'm working on as well! I have decided to undo the neck of the multi coloured one and make it easier to get on and off - I have the second goldie coloured one at the same stage now too - just need to add some elastic and sew up the collar bits.

So, as you can tell I am progressing with the projects, but it is a bit here and there so nothing is actually finished as yet.  Getting really close mind you.......well i would be if i stopped thinking about what to make with the recycled wool! Hahahahahaha honestly I'm not wise ;)

Friday, 23 March 2012

Branding the Cow???

Its a funny word branding isn't it? It always makes me think about cows and hot metal designs being seared into them!! I suppose technically we are talking about the same thing when we talk about branding ourselves and our businesses - its about being able to recognise our 'cows' from the rest of the herd.

In my working life we talked about branding a lot.  I worked for a charity and the need to be a recognisable and household name was key to being able to have successful services - The public needed to know who we were, what we did and where to find us or they simply couldn't or wouldn't support us.

Now that i am considering setting up as a craft business the concept of branding comes back into my mind, but where do i start? and do i really need to be thinking about this already??

Honestly, my answer has to be i'm not really sure, but i know its something that i need to bear in mind.  The brand i choose is what will tell people about what it is i do and why they should be interested in looking at my craft products rather than the thousands and thousands of other crafters products that are available.  

I have been crafting and selling for quite some time as i have already said, but this time i feel the need to re-brand myself somehow, changing the name of my business signifies a new start for me and a chance to really stop and think about what it is i want to do and the messages i want to send out to potential customers.  This time i have chosen to use the name Funky Junkified Crafts which relates to the core value of recycling that i want to embrace, hopefully it portrays a fun and unique sort of personality as well :).  The issue of recycling is an important concept for me personally, and has been for many many years, so it is something that i can use to add to my passion for crafting as well as striving to be unique.  

I guess what i am trying to say in my usual long winded way is in my view it is important that a 'brand' is not something that is made up simply because it sounds good.  Its something deeper and much more meaningful than 'just a name'.  It also provides me with a framework for working in and so in my view the earlier i think about this the better as it will give me a natural direction and theme for my work.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Building an Online Presence

Anyone who makes crafts to sell at some point has to consider what outlets they have for advertising and selling their projects.  Over the years i have used various options including having my work sold in craft shops, attending craft fairs, holding craft parties and more recently starting a Facebook page.  Due to my on/off crafting history i have not been able to use any of these methods of getting my work seen on any sort of consistent basis and so they tend to come and go.  

Now that i am once again in a productive mindset and also considering rebuilding contact with potential customers i have been looking at online selling.  I opened a Folksy account a little while ago but to be honest have not really added much to the stock on there as yet.  

Over the next weeks i intend to start trying to build up an online presence again, including updating the Folksy shop and the Facebook page - i believe the two will interact well together, but i guess only time will tell! 

The link to the Folksy Shop should you want to have a look is though i have only 2 items listed on there at the minute! 

The link to the Facebook Page if you would also like to drop by on there is  Don't forget you can 'like' the facebook page to be kept up to date with my news and new products.

I guess i have quite a lot of work ahead of me with developing these online resources - I will of course keep you informed :) 

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Some More Ceramics

I did complete quite a range of ceramics, so here are a few more pics I'd like to share! 

This one was my version of the Mindwise Butterfly 

Collectors Money Box

A couple of Baby Gift Items

My version of Lord of the Rings Figures

Flower bud Fairies

This is just a very small range of ceramic figures that I painted and sold at various craft fairs.  I completed many projects that i didn't photograph - something i have always regreted actually! I did a lot of paint to order items as well as ones I painted to sell directly.

I haven't done any ceramic painting for quite a while, a couple of years probably, but i'm sure i will go back to it at some stage :) 

Ceramic Alphabet Teds

Just to show that I do actually finish projects I thought it would be good to share some pics of hand painted ceramics that i did quite a while ago.  One of the sets of ceramics i did was these cute little teds!

Another Month, Another Project!

Sometimes I wonder just what on earth I have been doing! Its more than a month since I actually finished the last project I added to this blog. I would see through it if the projects I was working on were large and difficult, but the fact is I just find it difficult to concentrate on any one thing at the minute.  I have had a lot of health issues and so despite the fact I am not getting projects finished very quickly, I have been doing little bits as and when I can.

I seem to have had a bit of a preference for knitting things recently, although I have been doing some sewing as well.  I am still working on the patchwork bag which is really taking shape now - I should take a few pictures of that to add really shouldn't I? Well until I get myself organised enough to do that you will have to have a wee look at the latest knitting project I started on Sunday and finished today!! I know its nearly unheard of for me to finish something so quickly - I actually did most of it on Sunday night when I wasn't able to sleep LOL.

So there I was tossing and turning and I just had the idea of making a bag - a bit strange I know but hey it was at least more useful than lying in bed getting more and more frustrated about not being able to sleep.

Given the fact that it was about 2am I decided to just lift the knitting needles and make something up.  I combined 2 different types of wool to add some interest and give the bag some sturdiness.  I also used small sized needles to give a sort of felted effect.